We are Certified to serve process in Manatee, Sarasota, and DeSota counties in Florida. We serve legal documents such as summonses, subpoenas, complaints, writs and other court documents. Our standard process serving is within 5 days or we also provide rush services within 24-48 hours. Your documents can be e-mailed or faxed for service to us at 941-727-9346 or Scanlonsigningservices@yahoo.com
We will file your papers with the clerk of courts for you and promptly fax you a copy of the affidavit of service.
We still offer all of our other mobile services such as loan signings, notarizations, field inspections, delinquency interviews, Trusted Enrollment Agent assignments, and E-Verify designated agent assignments. Please click on the weblink for more information about the company and all the services we offer.
We will file your papers with the clerk of courts for you and promptly fax you a copy of the affidavit of service.
We still offer all of our other mobile services such as loan signings, notarizations, field inspections, delinquency interviews, Trusted Enrollment Agent assignments, and E-Verify designated agent assignments. Please click on the weblink for more information about the company and all the services we offer.
Thank You and I look forward to serving you,
Lisa Scanlon